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Rebel's Chauffeur Duty!     View Sample
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 1438.90 MB     Format: MP4
Rebel is working in the office today and her boss Jack needs her to make some errands around town. She tells him she didn't bring her car today and they probably need to take the company car! Jack tells her she don't need to take that car, but Rebel insists and tells him shes got this! They get in and she tells him its super comfortable and its not so bad! Rebel wants to drive bare foot she always likes driving like that! He tells her yeah sure its whatever she wants to do! Rebel slips off her sandals and goes to try and start it bare foot! Suddenly as she try's start it, it doesn't start! Rebel has ran into a problem. He tells her he was afraid of this! Rebel says its fine she will get it started somehow some way! She starts pumping the gas pedal getting fuel into the system, finally its starts when she gives it the last try! They take off down the road but then it suddenly starts to stutter out and lost power and died! Rebel starts pumping hard barefoot cranking it but nothing! Is she stranded or does she get it going again?!
$ 22.50