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Loan Is Denied!    
Length: 30.00 minutes     Size: 1348.84 MB     Format: MP4
Candice is a bank loan officer and shes meeting with a client today. She presumes to tell her client shes got denied!! The client is completely furious! She cant believe she couldn't get her approved. Little does Candice know she has it out for her and shes going to get revenge! Candice goes to leave work later that day, she starts up her car and starts driving down the road until suddenly her brakes are feeling spongy for some reason. Candice notices but keeps driving until they go completely out and she has to use her emergency brake. Candice doesn't know whats going and goes out to check her car seeing a big puddle by her tire. Candice then gets some help and takes it to get fixed. The next day she thinks its fixed but she starts driving it again and now this time her gas pedal is sticking!! Candice doesn't know that her brake lines keep getting cut. What will Candice do now? She wonders if someone is behind all of this?!!!
$ 22.50